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a life - nomadic melodrama

"The indefinite life does not itself have moments, close as they may be one to another, but only between-times, between-moments; it doesn't just come about or come after but offers the immensity of an empty time where one sees the event yet to come already happened, in the absolute of an immediate consciousness." (Deleuze)

A life suggests a translation of the philosophical concept ”a life” into the context of performance. It´s inspired by a radical suggestion of life that includes not only the organic but also the inorganic, not only life but also death. At the same time it asks about the very place where we are in our lives right now.

- I have another song... It goes...
- And we can be all the three of us here. (singing)
- Wow
- (walks away) Super liked that song...
It's a nice job we have
- Hey, how about the stories we shared? There was this bottle...
and the ball and lots of other nice stuff
maybe not
- Yeah, I'm just so hard trying to be a nomadic, I think I lost myself now...

Three movements, two times...


Koreografia: Jenni-Elina von Bagh

Lavastus: Virpi Nieminen

Pukusuunnittelu: Ingvill Fossheim

Valosuunnittelu: Luca Sirviö

Äänisuunnittelu: Ville Kabrell

Dramaturgia: Elli Salo (DMa), Otto Sandqvist (DMa)

Näyttämöllä: Johannes Purovaara, Hanna Raiskinmäki, Jussi Suomalainen

Kuvat: Sanni Siira, Karoliina Niemenkari

Ensi-ilta to 16.11.2017, Kallio Stage, Helsinki

Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu/ koreografian, valosuunnittelun ja äänen maisteriohjelmat sekä Aalto ARTS

© 2019 by Virpi Nieminen. Created with

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