Virpi Nieminen
CV // Virpi Nieminen
2021 Master of Arts the University of the Arts Helsinki -- Design for performing arts
2019 Bachelor of Arts Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture -- Design for performing arts
2013 Bachelor of Fine Arts Saimaa University of Applied Sciences
2012 one year student exchange Colorado College, USA
2009 one year program in visual arts Orivesi College of Arts
2008 Finnish Matriculation Examination Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Visual Arts
2024 Veljelleni / Kansallisteatteri / Helsinki
Set design for a performance, by dir. Otto Sandqvist
2024 EAT PREY LOVE / Mad House / Helsinki
Set design and MUA for a performance, by working group Laakko-Jäntti-Nieminen
2023 Down Below Things Shudder / Tanssin talo / Helsinki
Set design for a dance performance, chor. Marika Peura & Kaisa Nieminen
2023 As time goes by / Zodiak / Helsinki
Set design for a dance performance, chor. Jenni-Elina von Bagh
2022 Jeanne d’Arc living – PARASTA ELÄMÄNTYYLIÄ!!!! / TEHDAS teatteri / Turku
Set and costume design for a performance, dir. Louna-Tuuli Luukka
2022 Armageddon / Espoo City Theatre / Espoo
Set and costume design for a performance, dir. Sonya Lindfors, Sara Melleri, Elina Pirinen
2021 Void – a psychodrama / Kulttuurikeskus Caisa / Helsinki
Set design for a dance performance, chor. Jenni-Elina von Bagh
2020 Ruusu on minun lempikukkani / Käpylä church / Helsinki
Performing in a collaborative installation-performance by Ilves Teatteri
2020 Shall we have a drink before I start to cry? / Theatre Academy / Helsinki
Set design for a dance performance, chor. Marika Peura
2019 Treplevin hajottaja / Vapaan taiteen tila / Helsinki
Set, costume and lighting design for a performance, dir. Tarleena Laakko
2019 HUKASSA / Theatre Academy / Helsinki
Set design and performing in a performance, by working group Laakko-Jäntti-Nieminen
2018 Audience / Museum of Tehcnology / Helsinki
Set design for an immersive dance performance by Raekallio Corp.
2018 Kotiesitys – Kun oikeat soturit nousivat satulaan, oli jonkun jäätävä kukkia kastelemaan / TheatreAcademy / Helsinki
Set design and performer in a performance, dir. Tuomas Vaahtoluoto
2018 Oneiron / Cirko / Helsinki
Set design with Aino Koski for an immersive dance performance by Raekallio Corp.
2017 a life – nomadic melodrama / Theatre Academy / Helsinki
Set design for a dance performance, chor. Jenni-Elina von Bagh
2017 Ei hätää kulta, tämä on leikkihuone. / Theatre Academy / Helsinki
Set design for a theatre play, dir. Tarleena Laakko
2016 Kokonaistaideteos C-duurissa Neljälle Tanssijalle Punaisella Matolla / Theatre Academy / Helsinki
Set design and performing in a dance performance, chor. Iiro Näkki
2016 KoToNA / URB16 festival / private home / Helsinki
Performing in a collaborative site-specific performance by HoMEtheatre
2016 MMMM / Ilves-Teatteri / Helsinki
Set design and performing in a theatre play, dir. Mikko Salminen
2016 Ei ihmiskunta ole kovin järkevästi toiminut / Theatre Academy / Helsinki
Set design for a performance, dir. Juho Mantere
2015 SEREMONIA / Ilves-Teatteri / Helsinki
Set design for a performance, dir. Ian Hannon, Juho Liira, Anni Mikkelson, Kiia Laine
2015 Cosi Fan Tutte / Metropolia University of Applied Sciences / Helsinki
Set design and video projections for an opera dir. Anselmi Hirvonen
2021 The University of the Arts Helsinki
visiting speaker for courses in MA program for choreography and BA programs for design for performing arts, costume design and dance
2021 Uraanilamppu / Öljysäiliö 468 / Helsinki
Assistant set designer for an immersive dance performance by Raekallio Corp.
2021 CAERULEA / Kutomo / Turku
Body painting for a performance, cor. Kauri Sorvari
2020 A Prologue / Zodiak / Helsinki
Corporal assistant – Zodiak / Helsinki/ cor. Jenni-Elina von Bagh
2017 present_distance (Followers) / Kokimo altARS17festival / Kiasma, Helsinki
Performing in a site-specific durational performance, concept: Salla Salin
2017 13. Tunti / Teatteri Vapaa Vyöhyke / Helsinki
Assistant set designer for an immersive performance, dir. Lija Fischer
2016 Neuromaani / Maria Hospital / Helsinki
Assistant set designer for an immersive dance performance by Raekallio Corp.
2016 UrbanApa Festival / Ateneum / Helsinki
Assistant spatial designer for an urban performance art festival
2014 Finnish National Opera
six months work experience with the departements for set design, costume design, lighting and sound design
2022 Viisi jölkikuvaa lemmikistä ekphrasis-essay cowritten with Tuomas Vaahtoluoto / Tuli&Savu 3/22 "Näyttämö"
2022 Hukassa -- tilaa tuntemattomalle MA-thesis / the University of the Arts Helsinki
2019 Kosketusten topografiaa -- kun lavastaja ajattelee ruumista BA-thesis / Aalto University
2015 Cloud performance in urban environment / Helsinki
2013 Hurme performance / Kontufolk-festival / Imatra
2012 Midas performance / Richard F. Celeste Theater, Cornerstone Fine Arts Center, Colorado College, USA
2012 Fragments paintings, sculptures and installation / Packard Hall, Colorado College, USA
2012 Seancé interactive installation/ Cornerstone Fine Arts Center, Colorado College, USA
2021 MATTER 3: ABOVE US ONLY SKY installation / Anna Sinebrychoffinkuja, Espoo
2013 group exhibition paintings / Y-Festival /Tampere
2013 Puolisattumanvaraisesti paintings / Saimaa University of Applied Sciences Graduation Exhibition, Imatra Art museum
2012 Untitled sculptures and installation / Cornerstone Fine Arts Center, Colorado College, CO, USA
2012 Ccollective paintings and sculptures / IDEA-space, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
2011 Pizzakirkko -performance-installation altar painting / Tampere
2011 Itätuuli installation and sculptures / Galleria Arbis, Helsinki
2011 Stockfors summer exhibition installation, sculptures and paintings / Stockfors
2011 En pysty ajattelemaan tässä valomäärässä paintings / Galleria Super, Imatra
2022 Kone foundation, three year working grant for 12 months of work
2021 The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), working grant for two months
2017 Finnish Union for Theatre, Film and Television Designers, student stipend
2012 William and Ester Otsakorpi foundation, project grant
2023 Öres work residency for Usva and jossain tunne -duo project with Tuomas Vaahtoluoto / Örö
2022 Kutomo work residency for As time goes by -working group / Turku
2022 Kutomo work residency for Orebody -working group / Turku
2021 Kutomo work residency for Void – a pscyhodrama -working group / Turku
2021 Santarcangelo SKR work residency for As time goes by -working group / Italy
2015 Prague study trip to PQ-scenography festival / Czech Republic
2017-2018 head tutor of ELO department of Film, Television and Scenography at Aalto University
2016-2017 student tutor at Aalto University
2010-2011 head tutor of Fine Arts department at Saimaa University of Applied Sciences
2009-2010 student tutor at Saimaa University of Applied Sciences